
Monday, December 1

Thankful to these technologies

IntelliJIDEA is known as the most popular Java IDE. It seems to provide a lot of features than eclipse. IntelliJ IDEA also does a good job of keeping up to date with the Java platform, subject to the expense of keeping current with the latest product version.We are gradually moving our development here. That sense of the whole can take a little time to discover. Many people, especially those whose main focus is features, never grasp it. They are happy with another IDE and that's OK. But for the thousands of top professional developers worldwide who have discovered it, nothing else quite measures up.
If you consider yourself a Java professional, if you work in situations where time is most definitely money, and sustained productivity is the measure of success, you can do worse than to take a good look at IntelliJ IDEA.

Atlassian Jira

JIRA is one of the tools we use for project planning and taking care of issues. JIRA Software gives your team the flexibility to plan and adopt any agile practice, whether it be scrum, kanban, or a mixed methodology. Teams can create and estimate stories, build a sprint backlog, visualize activity, measure team velocity, and report on progress. 


 Webalys makes best icons in the market and we are big fan of them. Good news is Vincent Le Moign, the entrepreneur and designer of Webalys has shared us Streamline icons. Thanks for generosity and encouragement, and inspiring email.
Hi, That's a great project, and i would be happy to help such a nice open source project.  
Vincent Le Moign
 Sep 24, 2014